Daniel 3: 14 -20, 24 – 25, 28
John 8: 31 – 42
As we draw closer to Holy Week, the dramatic tension in the readings intensifies.
Jesus, the true Son of the Father, squares off before the forces of evil who wish to kill him.
In the first reading, we are assured of God’s great power to Save. On Monday, we heard of God rescuing the innocent Susanna, who was falsely accused. On Tuesday, God rescues his sinful people in the wilderness when Moses intercedes for them. Today, God rescues (saves) the three young men who, because of their faith in the One God, are thrown into the fiery furnace. God’s power to Save is utterly certain!
Jesus in the Gospel comes as the faithful Witness to the Truth. Before Pilate he will declare: ‘My kingdom is not of this world. All who are on the side of truth listen to my voice.”
The truth that Jesus shows is the Saving Love and Power of his Father – who reaches out to all those who believe in Jesus – his Word. Today let us turn our hearts to welcome Jesus who is often misunderstood and rejected even today. Let us adhere as trusting disciples to the way of Light – walking in his mercy, compassion and spirit of forgiveness to those around us. We are assured by Jesus that his Truth when embraced sets us free. We too will know opposition and disappointment at times, but his Love sets us free !
Pat McIndoe CP, a Passionist at St. Gabriel’s Retreat, Boroko, Port Moresby