Colossians 1: 1-8
Luke 4: 38-44

In today’s Gospel we see Jesus healing and dispelling darkness from others. Let us look at the other people in this story.
Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering fever and was bedridden. She was in no fit state to do anything. Most of us can identify with feeling this way at one time or another. The disciples drew her state to Jesus’ attention and asked him to do something for her. Jesus healed her. The woman’s response was one of immediate gratitude; she immediately got up and provided for their needs.
As word spread of Jesus’ presence and actions, those who had friends who were suffering brought them to Jesus. Even though it was evening, Jesus touched and healed all those brought to him. Jesus did not seek out the sick; he waited for people to ask for their friend’s healing.
Sickness can lay one low, it is very difficult to look after oneself and even to pray. A sick person tries to hold onto trust in God’s presence with them and relies on others for help. It can be a very dark and lonely experience at times. Others who care often feel helpless, too. So imagine the surge of faith that motivates people to bring their friends’ needs to Jesus, with trust that physical, mental or spiritual healing will happen; that Jesus will touch the sick person and they will receive the healing they need, even in the darkest of times.
The sick need others to bring them to Jesus, something they often haven’t the capacity to do themselves. Jesus excludes no one. We need each other to help bring us to Jesus and to support us in our healing. Our response is always trust and gratitude.
Pam Storey is a member of the Passionist Faith Community at Holy Cross, Templestowe, and one of the founding members of Passionist Companions. After a very active and varied family, church and working life, Pam is now focusing on developing a slow spirituality.