26th Sunday in Ordinary time
Numbers 11:25-29
James 5:1-6
Mark 9:38-43,45,47-48

One of the many things my dad taught us as we were growing up was not to sneak on people – in other words he didn’t want us to go around judging and telling tales about others.
Today’s readings are very hard to swallow. They are about jealousy and envy – the very sins that rip us to bits as we get caught up in negative attitudes about our family, friends, colleagues and even our fellow parishioners. Instead of seeing them as enablers who draw us to God, our jealousy of others leads us away from God. How many times am I quick to judge, say and think things when someone is not doing them according to the book? Far too many. What does this attitude gain for me? Nothing but bitterness.
The feeling of self-righteousness and horror by Joshua and John that people were carrying out deeds in the name of the Lord, who did not belong to their inner sanctum, saw them running to Moses and Jesus. They said that these people must be stopped from what they were doing as they were not ‘one of them.’ In other words they were not part of the in-group / the chosen ones. Both Moses and Jesus reacted completely differently to what these two tell tellers were expecting. Moses wished for everyone to be blessed by the Lord’s Spirit as he realised that he needed to share his ministry. Jesus said, “no one who works a miracle in my name is likely to speak evil of me. Anyone who is not against us if for us.”
Jesus’ mission is for all: to spread his word of unending love. We have each been granted different gifts to do this, in different places and at different times. No one is greater than the other and we all have a part of play. We are asked to open our eyes and hearts so that we can hear the truth that is proclaimed in many unexpected ways, some of which may be challenging. Those who bring to our attention the evils of people trafficking, the horrors of war, the destruction of our beautiful earth and sea are also prophets of our time.
Victoria Raw is parishioner of Te Whetu O Te Moana, Star of the Sea Marlborough, NZ and is active in lay ministry.