Ecclesiastes 1:2-11
Luke 9:7-9

I recently needed to upgrade my reading glasses. When I open the new case, I see the axiom- ‘It’s what’s on the inside that counts’. I would like to think that it is a message about not being concerned about looks or externalities that will pass, that goodness of heart is to be valued above these things, but I have a suspicion that the message is more about the fact that the case houses a pair of designer frames. While the glasses might help me to engage with the world, they will be replaced in two years’ time if not sooner.
The things that really matter are everlasting. You and I will one day complete our mortal life, but we do so with one eye on eternity. My youth has gone, my eyesight (at least for small print) is going, and the hair colour that people see me with is not true. These things are vanities, I’m not the first person to experience them, nor will I be the last. However, faith, hope, love and wisdom continue.
In the gospel, Herod is fascinated by Jesus. He is anxious to see him. Herod’s own wealth, prestige and power is temporal, it will pass. But perhaps in Jesus, Herod can see a focus on eternity with love, wisdom and power that is everlasting.
Alison Gore is a parishioner at St Paul of the Cross, Glen Osmond. She works in education and formation.