Proverbs 21: 1-6, 10-13
Luke 8: 19-21

Today, Luke’s gospel gives us an insight into being part of the family of God.
The incident in today’s Gospel has three accounts: Luke 8: 19-21, Matthew12:46-50 and Mark 3: 31-35. It is worth comparing and contrasting this passage with the parallel passages in Matthew and particularly in Mark. In Luke, there is praise for his mother and brothers: ‘my mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and put it into practice’; in Mark the family are sidelined. Luke does not contrast the natural family to the family of disciples. In other words, they are disciples.
Our discipleship is not determined by our being born into a religious family or just by being baptised or by observing the external requirements of our religion but by our total commitment to the Gospel and an unconditional following of Jesus. Only then can we truly be said to be his brother or sister. This unconditional following of Jesus is certainly a great challenge!
People naturally assumed that Jesus would give first place to his family. To our ears, his words can sound both strange and cold. But Luke’s audience knew that the cost of receiving Jesus’ word led them into opposition and family ruptures. Choices had to be made between Jesus and family. But with one sentence Jesus reveals that every human being can become a member of his family.
Closeness to Jesus depends on ‘hearing the word and doing it’. Everyone who hears and acts on his word is one of Jesus’ family.
Joanne McGrath is a parishioner of St Brigid’s Marrickville and a Passionist Companion.
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