1 Timothy 6:2-12
Luke 8:1-3

This very short Gospel holds a powerful image of an amazing group of women, who accompanied Jesus and the apostles as they toured the towns and villages, spreading the Good News.
It is rare for women to be named in the Scriptures but here we have three women who are named and the information that there were others as well. Their presence creates an image that we don’t often have of Jesus being accompanied by a large group of ‘helpers’, not just the crowds who came to listen to him.
Perhaps it is fanciful to think that these women were also sought out for their wisdom and knowledge; that they would have been approachable and welcoming to other women, who sought the Good News. The Gospel says that these women had been cured and therefore were true witnesses to the power of God, working through Jesus. Subtly, Luke goes on to say, that there were other women who provided for the needs of the group. This differentiates the roles of the women but also raises the powerful image of a community of believers, men, and women, sharing their experiences, talents and resources. A wonderful example for families and faith communities today.
Margaret Bentley is a Salesian Sister and is currently the Academic Manager at the English Language Studies for Pastoral Ministry (ELSPM) begun by the Passionists in 2014 to enable their students to learn English before continuing to the Novitiate or theological studies.