1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-27
Luke 6:39-42
Today’s Gospel challenges us to be honest with ourselves, to overcome our own pride and hypocrisy, and to be understanding of the struggles of others, before launching into criticism of them. Cruel fault-finding, oftentimes dressed up as well-intentioned, can have the effect of projecting blame for our own faults on to another, whilst demeaning them in the eyes of their peers.
Christ wants his followers to be humble, not patronising nor demeaning of our sister or brother. St Augustine wrote: “Try to acquire the virtues you believe are lacking in others. Then you will no longer see their defects, for you will no longer have them yourself.”
Only God knows what goes on in the hearts of others. And God is ever tolerant, always forgiving and understanding of our human condition. May we learn how to view others with the merciful, compassionate and forgiving eyes of God. If we are truly concerned for the other, we might emulate Christ by “loving them into life”, as Peter McGrath CP used to say.
Brian Norman has been associated with the Passionists in various ways since he was three weeks old when he squared off with Fr Placid Millay CP over the baptismal font at St Brigid’s, Marrickville.