St Francis of Assisi
Job 38:1,12-21,40:3-5
Luke 10:13-16

When I became a mother, my toddler couldn’t say his L’s correctly. He would pronounce a W instead of an L. He was also my most spirited child who always needed a bit of extra loving; in fact, there wasn’t a time that we as parents couldn’t give him enough attention and love. To remind him of our love for him and to help him pronounce his L’s we would play a little game where we would call back and forth in a repeat response. I would say “I”, and he would say “I”, then I would say “LLLLLLove”, and he would say “LLLLLLove”, and we would say together at the same time “You”, and then I would give him lots of kisses and tickles. We loved this game cause it reminded each other that we loved each other. The more we did it, the more we helped each other in those tougher times to remember and know deep down how much we were loved.
These readings constantly remind us that God is there loving us. There is nowhere we can go that God isn’t. It’s an affirmation that we are good and on the right path when we listen to him. “If today you hear his voice, then harden not your hearts”. When we are still how can we not hear God’s voice. Feel free today to spend some time meditating and listening for God’s voice to speak to you.
You are there, God. You know me so well from the beginning of creation. You knit me together in my mother’s womb; I am fearfully and wonderfully made. You know when I sit and when I rise, you understand my thoughts from afar. Where shall I go to escape your spirit? The scripture keeps repeating. “You are there”. “You are there” “you are there”. When we are babies and growing and basically all throughout our lives, we need reminders daily, weekly, and monthly that we are loved and known and not forgotten. We seek it if we don’t hear it from other people we go and find it, needing the constant reminder so that we believe it and know it deep in our hearts.
The scriptures today remind me that God is constantly reaching out to us saying “I” LLLLove You”!
Jo McDade