
Exodus 23: 20 – 23
Matthew 18: 1-5, 10


Today we celebrate the feast of Guardian Angels. Angels are purely spiritual creatures having intelligence and will. They are personal, immortal, and perfect creatures. And yet they are created to be at the service of human beings. By cultivating a relationship with our Guardian Angel, we are giving the angel the permission to be a greater part of our lives. What fascinates me is their humility. Though being a superior being they are at the service of humankind. They take orders from God on our behalf and serve us faithfully.

St Thomas Acquinas says, that we are guarded by our Guardian Angels. Our free will can move us to the good but not perfectly. We always do not clearly see what is good for us. And even when we know we do not choose what is  right. And so Guardian Angel infuses in us the correct things that we are lacking. They labour every moment to make us better, holier, and happier.  The most consoling truth about the guardian angel is that they are praying for us.

Pope Benedict XVI, speaking about the angels, says that the Archangels mentioned in the Bible, (Micha-el, Gabri-el, Rapha-el) carry the word ‘el’ at the end of their names which means ‘God’. This shows that the angels carry the presence of God. Pope Francis encourages us to have a close relationship with angels, especially in difficult times.

And so, Guardian Angel is a blessing. On this feast day let us thank God for these supernatural beings who serve us with humility and love. In a way we could become angels to one another when we serve with humility and love. May we obtain the grace to love unconditionally for the love we have for our Lord, who loved us unconditionally on the cross.


Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide.


Justin Durai Raj CP is a member of the Passionist community at St.Paul, Glen Osmond, SA.