Feast of St.Paul of the Cross

Founder of the Congregation of the Passion (Passionists)


Ephesians 1:15-23
Luke 12:8-12


As I write this reflection, 80 professed Passionists from around the world, have gathered in Rome for our General Chapter. It is a time to meet one another and reflect on the life of our Passionist family in the last six years, reading the signs of the times, listening to each other’s experiences, challenges, joys and sorrows as we endeavour to discern the promptings of the Spirit directing our lives and mission for the years to come. 

It is not by accident that in the middle of every General Chapter, we celebrate the Feast of our founder St Paul of the Cross. It reminds us of his vision that the passion of Jesus is the most overwhelming sign of God’s love for us. Every member of the Passionist family, lay or religious, is entrusted with the mission of keeping alive the memory of the Passion reaching out to those who suffer to ease their burdens and stand with them at the foot of the cross. Listening to the reports on the lives and ministries of our provinces is a humbling and challenging experience. Members of the Passionist Family are involved in caring for refugees, offering care for those who suffer violence in Haiti and Ukraine, supporting shelters for the homeless, building hospitals, standing up for the rights of those without a voice at the United Nations, addressing such horrors as human trafficking and the violence and abuse caused by drug trafficking to name but a few areas.  

May St Paul of the Cross continue to guide and strengthen us all as we reach out in love, hope and compassion for those who suffer. 

Fr. Chris Monaghan CP, lectures in the New Testament and is President of Yarra Theological Union. He is a member of the Passionist community of Holy Cross in Templestowe.