
Galatians 4:22-24,26-27,31-5:1
Luke 11:29-32


Signs become mere external fantasies, and miracles become mere magic shows. In the Gospels, we read that at the birth of Jesus, King Herod sought to see Baby Jesus, not to worship, but to kill Him. At the temptations, Satan tempted Jesus to change stones to bread, not to believe, but to lure Him. At the trial, King Herod Antipas hoped Jesus would perform a sign, not to save Him, but to mock Him.

Jesus condemns all such unnecessary demands for a sign “But no sign will be given it, except the sign of Jonah the Prophet!” Jonah was three days and nights in the belly of the fish, and so was Jesus in the belly of the earth. But Jesus rose from the dead, the Greatest Sign of all times.

The question is do I believe in the Resurrection?  Am I believing and living, the fruits of the Resurrection?  Have I reduced the reality of Jesus being alive as an expression for the lips? Am I continuing to seek signs forgoing the greatest Sign I witness in the daily Eucharist (Mass)? Do I exhibit this greatest Sign of Jesus’ resurrection, by my words and actions?

Let us not be carried away by mere external fantasies and glamour.  Let us open our eyes to see the many wonders and miracles the Lord has worked and is working in our lives. Let us become aware to see that He is Risen, and Alive and Working in every breath of my life and make Him not as a sign or magic worker but as part of my being.

Sony Marsilin Kannanaikal CP is a Passionist priest; he lives at St.Gabriel’s Community, Endeavour Hills.