2 Maccabees 7:1,20-31
Luke 19:11-28
Both the account from the Book of Maccabees and the story Luke tells of the unpopular king, entrusting money to his subjects and expecting a return, hold rich symbolism for us today. Without going into the historical significance of these events, we can draw inspiration for our daily lives. Both accounts speak of loyalty to God and to the king. The story of the king entrusting money to his subjects, seemingly to test their loyalty, links with the story from Matthew’s Gospel that we heard last Sunday, highlighting the use of ‘talents’.
Today, there is a chance to reflect on our own loyalty, not only to our faith but to that which is entrusted to us. We are challenged to use the gifts or talents that we have been given to the best of our ability. Most of us shy away from the thought that we are gifted or talented. We consider ourselves ordinary people, living ordinary lives, doing the best we can. In the Gospel parable, Jesus says clearly that those who are faithful in the small things are given more. Do you smile, like me, and think, yes, more responsibility, more work, more to do! And do you also smile with surprise when you achieve something you never thought you could do? Loyalty requires courage. Let’s have the courage today to be loyal by using the gifts and talents we have received to bring about the kingdom of God.
Margaret Bentley is a Salesian Sister and is currently the Academic Manager at the English Language Studies for Pastoral Ministry (ELSPM) begun by the Passionists in 2014 to enable their students to learn English before continuing to the Novitiate or theological studies.