All Saints
Apocalypse 7:2-4,9-14
1 John 3:1-3
Matthew 5:1-12a
Today is the feast of all Saints, and a saint that has particularly been standing out to me recently is Saint John of the cross, a 16th-century Carmelite priest, who writes in his work Romances a beautiful poem contemplating the love of God. It is to John’s understanding that within the profound mutual love of the Holy Trinity, such love overflows and spills out, like water from a cup, to create creation. That is for God to love God infinitely creation needed to be made.
It is by this we come into understanding that our life’s purpose is to simply open our hearts to receive Gods love so that God may more profoundly be able to love God to greater depths through us.
In the beatitudes found in todays gospel we see reassurance for people who find themselves to be at the bottom of the barrel by worldly standards. It seems to be those most poor, broken hearted, hungry and vulnerable will be the ones to receive the kingdom of God. I believe Jesus praises these qualities because it is in being vulnerable that we have no choice but to cling to the love of God. Saint Mother Theresa says that “we should be empty so that God may fill us up” and so as such we pray this radical prayer over our lives.
We pray that we may not be blinded by the temporary pleasures of this world but open our hearts indefinitely to be instruments of God’s love flowing through us making heavenly music on this earth. Giving all glory and honour to God in three.
Claire O’Donohue is a current Oxley Passionist Youth Retreat Team member. While also in her final year of university, she is completing her bachelor’s degree with a major in visual art and theology.