Acts 18:1-8.

I’m sure that all of us have had the experience of a loved one or close friend moving overseas. As time draws near, we not only hang on to every word that they say, but we like to have quality time together. The imminent departure of our loved one, causes us to ask many questions about the future knowing that there will be a physical separation real soon.
This experience is seen and felt in today’s Gospel Reading where Jesus gives some strong hints that he will be leaving them as they had come to know His Risen presence. Here we can feel the sadness, we can identify with their questions…. what’s going on?
On the other hand, in the first Reading from the Acts of the Apostles, we see Paul the Missionary, in top gear, proclaiming the Good News about Jesus Christ Risen, and ascended to His Father. Paul knew that he was empowered by the Holy Spirit in his vibrant Missionary journeys. He had to make decisions, while listening to and being urged on by the Holy Spirit. Through his discernment, he concluded that it was time to go out to the Gentiles, thus fulfilling the Gospel command of the Lord.
What about us? God speaks to us through His Word: our ongoing question ought to be: ‘Lord, what are you saying to me through your Word, how is my life to be changed?’ Sometimes, that response is as radical as Paul going to the Gentiles. What are some of these sweeping changes do we need to do as we follow Jesus with our companions on the journey.
Kevin Walsh is a priest in the Diocese of Parramatta in Sydney. He has been formed in the Passionist tradition and Ministers to the Aged, the Sick, the Dying and the Bereaved.