Acts 14:19-28
John 14:27-31

Every night when we watch the Television News or look at The News App on our Devices, most of the Broadcast is Bad News! Maybe a little story of some acts of kindness or benevolence might get a ‘look in’ but Good News seemingly does not increase ratings. However, it is not all sad stories; every now and then we see something very inspiring; the impact of the deep human spirit to love, to be a peacemaker and to be internally driven to work at conciliation is often the path to reconciliation.
The first Reading from the Acts of the Apostles today, paints a very real picture of ‘reality’ for the Apostles! In walking in the footsteps of their Lord, it led them to be on the receiving end of hate, hurt and suffering. However, these mobile Missionaries were soon up on their feet, supported by the believers to continue with their ‘Spirit filled’ energy, and to continue their itinerant calling, in proclaiming Christ as Lord to all people in various places.
It is striking to hear that in sharing their accounts with others, the Apostles did not claim victory for themselves……it was about what ‘God had done with them.’
In the Gospel, we see the Risen Lord bequeathing the Father’s Gift, par excellence to his disciples – Peace! Bequeathing it to the Church, and to us. This creative, enlivening Gift is in us, and we are called to take suffering on the chin and enable it to mature us into Christ’s Lovers.
Kevin Walsh is a priest in the Diocese of Parramatta in Sydney. He has been formed in the Passionist tradition, and Ministers to the Aged, the Sick, the Dying and the Bereaved.