Daily Reflection, May 24, 2023
Acts 20:28-38
John 17:11B-19

Whilst Jesus’ words are uttered in the shadow of his passion, he makes it clear that they are intended to be read in the light of the Resurrection: I speak these things in the world so that they may have my joy made complete in themselves.
Although still in the world, Jesus looks on his earthly ministry as a thing of the past. He prays to the Father for those who were with him in the Last Supper room. Jesus prayed for the disciples who would carry his message of love and redemption to the world. Jesus prayed this entire prayer with his pending departure in mind. He realized that he would no longer remain in the world, but his disciples would. They therefore needed special prayer.
He prays that his disciples always be in communion with God and for their protection from the evil that surrounds them every day. Jesus wants all his disciples to find closeness with God and protection from harm even in this world.
This prayer of petition is for immediate and future disciples. Just as Jesus was sent, we are sent.
How do I experience this ‘being sent’?
Joanne McGrath is a parishioner of St Brigid’s Marrickville and a Passionist Companion.
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Australia, PNG, NZ and Vietnam
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