
First Reading: Acts 2:1-11 
Second Reading: Galatians 5:16-25 
Gospel: John 20:19-23


As members of the Passionist Family we make it our aim to live in such a way that “Led by the Holy Spirit, we unite ourselves with the Person of Christ, especially in the Paschal Mystery of His suffering, death, and resurrection.” Const. 39 

Our Province of the Holy Spirit our Passionist family in Papua New Guinea, Vietnam, New Zealand and Australia cannot lay claim to any particular wisdom or illumination above or beyond any other group in the church. What we can do on this Feast of Pentecost is take up the challenge to open our lives and hearts to the invitations of the Holy Spirit and so become the ‘singers of hope’  Pope Francis has recently called us to be. 

 The Feast of Pentecost is such a beautiful one because it reminds us of the gifts that are given to each one to sing of God’s love in a language that touches the hearts of those who suffer and look for hope and courage.   I’d like to share a favourite prayer written by Pamela Wilding in Kenya that sums up my hopes and dreams for our Passionist Family on this day.

Wind of God, below the far from us

all dark despair,

all deep distress,

all groundless fears,

all sinful desires,

all Satan’s snares,

all false values,

all selfish wishes,

all wasteful worries.


Blow into us

your holy presence,

your living love,

your healing touch,

your splendid courage,

your mighty strength,

your perfect peace,

your caring concern,

your divine grace,

your boundless joy.


Wind of God,

blow strong,

blow fresh,

blow now.

Fr. Chris Monaghan CP, lectures in the New Testament and is President of Yarra Theological Union. He is a member of the Passionist community of Holy Cross in Templestowe.