Sixth Sunday of Easter
Acts 8:5-8, 14-17
1Peter 3:15-18
John 21:1-14
Every person born into this world is here with a mission. Some are teachers, doctors, military service, and various other services. In the first reading, we hear about the mission of Phillip to proclaim to the people of Samaria. He works miracles, preachers about Christ, and Baptises by laying of his hand, and they received the Holy Spirit. In the second reading, Peter speaks about our mission is not to suffer as murderers or thieves or as a criminal but to suffer to be a Christian and thank God for being a called one.
In the Gospel Jesus’ conversation with the Father is highlighted by the mission entrusted to Him and His mission contains acceptance, fulfilment, sacrifice, and belonging.
This is our goal in life, we are entrusted with different missions, and the first aspect is to accept our responsibility without prejudice, comparison, or lethargy; these characteristics in a person can defeat the mission entrusted to them. The goal is to fulfil the mission; this needs hope and constant prayer. We are the branches always connected with the wine; if not, we are useless and ready to be thrown into the fire. We cannot achieve or fulfil our mission without being in touch with Christ. The next aspect is to take up our Cross and follow Christ; that’s sacrifice. We cannot run the race without the Cross. Our destination is eternal life.
Today as we celebrate Mother’s Day, let’s pray for mothers worldwide who sacrifice their time, food, health, sleep, passion, and life for their families. We pray for their good health and perseverance in achieving their mission.
Sony Marsilin Kannanaikal CP is a Passionist priest, he lives at St.Joseph’s Community, Hobart.