Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary
2 Timothy 4:1-8
Luke 2:41-51
I have always had a feeling of awe around Paul’s words to Timothy. A sort of passing on the baton of his ministry but also a statement of the man and his faith. His integrity to the mission, to the preaching of the gospel, to the setting up of small communities all though Asia minor etc
An extraordinary man whose faith is mixed with suffering, anxieties, losses and joys. A realistic man who once a persecutor of Christians now become one of the greatest missionaries of all. He sticks to his faith with strength and weakness knowing himself and humble before his God. This fight is his legacy of sticking at one’s belief with a tenacity that observers become convinced through commitment and passion.
He is innovative and invites women into ministry and will do what he must, to bring the message of Jesus to others. This attitude is evidenced in the life and motherhood of Mary whose Feast of the Immaculate Heart we celebrate today.
Mary, the woman of faith, of strength, of courage, one whose life flexes between joy and suffering living out the values and commitment of a model disciple. Mary, like Paul, provides a pathway to being. Like Jesus and Mary does this and live this par excellence.
This Feast of the Immaculate Heart is an opportunity for us all to deliver on how and who we are and to understand that the cornerstone of love is suffering and service. Mary is there as a constant living life as a mother, a friends and fellow believer thrust in God’s ways and every faithful to her calling. Her life live and demonstrates the values of faith, of mercy, of empathy, of compassion and of forgiveness. These are all shown through the life and ministry of Jesus. This is an encouragement to follow. St Irenaeus said, the “the glory of God is man and woman fully alive” – lets thought our hearts like Mary be fully alive!
Paul Traynor is married to Clare and has two children Sam and Lucy. He lives in Greytown which is in the Wairarapa Region on the North Island of New Zealand. Paul is currently working as the National Passionist Family Groups Coordinator for Aotearoa, New Zealand.