12th Sunday in Ordinary time
Job 38:1,8-11
2 Corinthians 5:14-17
Mark 4: 35-41

A few weeks ago, I was invited to a dinner cruise that lasted for almost three hours. As the vessel embarked, the sea appeared to be serene and majestic with its greenish-blue colour, providing everyone with the chance to witness the reflection of a spectacular sunset vividly. But in the middle of the journey, the vessel began to sway, causing dizziness for those prone to sea sickness. But with my great excitement to admire the city’s phenomenal nighttime beauty, I stayed on the upper deck, where I and some other guests could feel the turbulence, causing the ship to sway.
The Gospel for today continues Markan’s Jesus’ public ministry, during which He taught large crowds using parables to convey messages about the Kingdom. The phrase “on that day” indicates a short transition to set the tone of this famous narrative of the sleeping Jesus and the calming of the storm.
Before embarking on a journey, sometimes we are often so preoccupied with various tasks that we end up feeling exhausted. As a result, when the journey begins, our minds tend to switch off. For some people, this may be a way of avoiding seasickness or dizziness. But this is not the case what Mark wants us to see in this narrative. He wants his audience to know that the journey of discipleship toward the kingdom is not free from unforeseen risks and dangers, and the Sea of Galilee is the best locus for his audience to get its lesson as the Sea of Galilee, known for its religious significance is also famed for its tempestuous waters. Like my experience on a dinner cruise, the initial calmness of the sea heightened the excitement on board to see what lay ahead. Then out of the blue on v.37, a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship so that the ship was filled. The fear of losing their lives shakes their faith. And Jesus was awakened by their cry for help. Jesus came to the rescue. When the storm of troubles and struggles threatens to shake our faith, just believe that Jesus is in control and the director of the show called Life.
Sr Rosana Estoque CP is a Passionist Religious, and the Pastoral Associate at St.Brtigid’s Chruch, Marrickville.
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