Sts. Thomas More and John Fisher
2 Chronicles 24:17-25
Matthew 6:24-34

It would be easy to go to the last line of today’s Gospel passage and bemoan the fact that ‘each day has enough trouble of its own’. It is unusual to look for the positive in difficult situation rather than concentrating on the negative and often the same applies to people. Jesus challenges us today to live in the present moment. We are called to see the beauty of the world around us, appreciate the wonder of nature and each other. The basis for this positivity and appreciation is trust. Trust in a loving God who will give us all we need because our hearts are set on the kingdom and on righteousness.
The two Saints we remember today, provide us with a clear example of this trust in God. John Fisher and Thomas More were friends and colleagues and served the King of England, Henry VIII faithfully, until the point where he wanted to change Church laws. Both defended their faith and gave their lives, executed because they would not give in to the whims of the King. Few of us may be called to make such a sacrifice but the daily decisions we make, many because of our faith, continue to give witness to the beliefs we hold. My prayer today is that each of us may set our hearts on the kingdom and on righteousness, trusting in the God who will provide all that we need.
Margaret Bentley is a Salesian Sister and is currently the Academic Manager at the English Language Studies for Pastoral Ministry (ELSPM) begun by the Passionists in 2014 to enable their students to learn English before continuing to the Novitiate or theological studies.