1 Kings 21:1-16
Matthew 5:38-42
Jesus’ challenge to turn the other cheek is difficult, when we daily witness violence perpetrated upon the people of Ukraine and many other places. Jesus isn’t preaching to the perpetrators but to us, his followers about what should be in our hearts. To be his authentic followers, we must be people of peace, overcoming our tolerance of injustice, greed and violence, the foundations of war.
On World Peace Day 2020, Pope Francis called for: a common, supportive and inclusive commitment to protecting and promoting the dignity and good of all, a willingness to show care and compassion, to work for reconciliation and healing, and to advance mutual respect and acceptance.
These goals are vital to the survival of humanity and all Mother Earth’s species. Thomas Merton wrote during the cold war: I believe we are going to have to prepare ourselves for the difficult and patient task of outgrowing rigid and intransigent nationalism, and work slowly towards a world federation of peaceful nations. How will this be possible? Don’t ask me. I don’t know. But unless we develop a moral, spiritual, and political wisdom that is proportionate to our technological skill, our skill may end us.
Imagine the impact if we all truly regarded others with the love that God has for them. Like the ripple effect of a pebble cast into a pond, war, hatred, cruelty, and greed would be overcome. It starts with us.
Greetings from the Terrey Hills Companions on our community’s Titular Feast of St Anthony!
Brian has been married to Kathleen for 48 years and they have 4 children and 7 grandchildren. For many years he worked with offenders and later with victims of crime. Earlier, he was a student and registered nurse and, in his salad days, he was a Passionist student. He is involved in the Terrey Hills community, where he is a Passionist Companion.