Isaiah 6:1-8
Matthew 10:24-33
Many years ago, when I was a little kid, one of the Movies which we as a family saw at the Cinema, was The Ten Commandments, directed by the American Cecil B DeMille. In those days… 1950s, this was an Epic Movie, which captured the minds and hearts of young and old.
In the first reading today from the Prophet Isaiah, we see a scene that Cecil B DeMille could have done amazing visual arrangements. So, let’s get into the spectacular invitation and response for Isaiah, and us.
Here in this reading, we have the account of a Dream. Dreams are part of processing the parables of our daily life. Here we see the spiritual implications for Isaiah in responding to the Lord God’s call to be a Prophet. The bottom line is having a contrite heart, which opens the way to Listen and Proclaim God’s Word in season and out of season.
We, are called to be Prophets in the true Biblical sense, through our Baptism. We are invited to listen and respond to God’s Word, and to step out and speak it, through our attitudes, actions, and voices within our community conversations.
The Gospel today builds on the foundations of the First Reading. We, in our response to the Lord, are sent out into a difficult world to be strong in Christ, support each other, and uncompromising in our commitment, built on a loving and contrite heart.
Kevin Walsh is a priest in the Diocese of Parramatta in Sydney. He has been formed in the Passionist tradition, and Ministers to the Aged, the Sick, the Dying and the Bereaved.