
Jeremiah 15: 10, 16 – 21
Matthew 13: 44 – 46

Where does the kingdom find me in what I see in today’s newspapers? Where do I search for the Kingdom?

In Matthew the first image in Jesus’ parable is of someone just coming across a treasure hidden in a field. It wasn’t the successful end of a thorough searching. It just happened.

The second image is of a person deliberately looking for fine pearls. That person must discern which of the pearls they find is the finest!

The response of both is to deliberately sell everything they own so that they can hold on to their treasure.

Where might the Kingdom be present to me today? Am I alert enough to be aware of it, even though I may not be looking for it?

Whatever response I make, and whether it is ‘in line’ with the Kingdom (like ‘justified’ type), depends on how I can truly perceive the reality around me, and how I can perceive the reality within me – how well do I know myself?

Both these qualities can be elusive for all of us; they are skills, qualities, gifts, works of art, that we are continually learning, being taught.

The one solid reality we can be sure of in our day is that the Kingdom is present. Do we have the eyes to see it, and the ears to be aware of its whisper or its roar?

Fr. Tony has spent his 58 years of priesthood working in Australia and PNG with novices and students who have been called to the Passionist way of life, ministering in parishes, in the giving retreats and in spiritual direction.