
Jeremiah 1:1,4-10
Matthew 13:1-9


The Parable of the Sower speaks about listening to the Word. It reminds us that the Word of God is a seed which God scatters everywhere. Each one of us is ground on which the seed of the Word falls. The Word is given to each one of us.

We can ask ourselves: what type of terrain am I? Do I resemble the path, the rocky ground, the thorny ground or the fertile ground? What do I have to do to be the good soil that will help to ripen the seed of the Word?

This gospel is about listening and hearing. ‘Listening’ and ‘hearing’ are sometimes used interchangeably. In this context, to ‘hear’ is not just to be physically capable of picking up sound. To ‘hear’ presumes attention and awareness; it implies understanding and acceptance and, ultimately, implementation of what is heard.

We are encouraged that If you have ears, hear!” So, we are meant to listen to the Word, understand and accept it and put into action what we have heard. The Word is to be lived.

Am I really listening to the Word in the fullest sense and living it effectively?

Joanne McGrath is a parishioner of St Brigid’s Marrickville and a Passionist Companion.

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The Passionists of Holy Spirit Province
Australia, PNG, NZ and Vietnam

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