Our Lady of Mount Carmel


Isaiah 7:1-9
Matthew 11:20-24


Have you ever noticed that Mary has so many titles in the Church and is honoured as Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin, Queen of All Saints and Our Lady of the Rosary. Some titles relate to her apparitions, Our Lady of Guadalupe; others given because of her attributes, Our Lady of Good Counsel; other titles are related to a particular place where she is honoured, Our Lady of Czestochowa (Poland). And today, we celebrate Our Lady of Mount Carmel!

I don’t know about you, yet I would not be surprised if Mary has an identity crisis on her hands!

Elijah on the other hand, he has his identity a little more intact as we hear today Elijah defended Israel’s faith in the living God. In the 12th century some pilgrim hermits took up residence on this mountain and eventually set up the Carmelite Order.

Have you ever noticed how Elijah’s encounter with God is one of the most moving stories in the Old Testament. Often God is portrayed as a fearsome, all-powerful God or a God who avenges his rights and destroys his enemies. Definitely a God high in the sky, comfortable on his clouded cushion. The God Elijah encounters however is completely different, revealing his presence in a gentle breeze not a storm, fire or earthquake but a gentle breeze.

Today often, gentleness is mistaken for weakness, timidity, lack of courage or even passion. However, the gentle breeze Elijah speaks of weakens barriers we set before it. It relaxes us and eases our pressures and stresses. It cools us down, so we open to whatever is to come. The breeze helps us to discover more clearly the way ahead and that allows us to choose the way for ourselves while knowing this is the path God wants us to take.

It is the gentleness that reassures and encourages. It recognises our fragility and how easy it is for us to break, so it does not push us or move us more quickly than we are able. Affirming and supporting us. It treats us with dignity, respect and honour. It is no wonder therefore that God chose this way to reveal himself – a gentle breeze!

An invitation to step out and let the gentle breeze touch you this day and always.

Sr Karen Englebretsen CP, Cross and Passion Sisters. blessed to be a spiritual care worker in the homeless sector in Melbourne.