
Amos 2:6-10,13-16
Matthew 8:18-22


What is the cost of following Jesus? and if it isn’t costing us anything or us changing our lives when we hear this call, are we really following Jesus?

In today’s gospel, Jesus gives us the striking call of discipleship and it involves a particular level of worldly detachment, not only from wealth but family as well. The psalm curses those who only show outward displays of faith but fail in genuine commitment to God. This is further emphasised in the first reading from Amos, cursing Israel for their failings to care for the needy and the type of life God called them to live.

It reminds me of Pope Francis’s call to young people to not be ‘couch potatoes’ in his 2016 address to the young people of World Youth Day Poland. “Following Jesus demands a good dose of courage, a readiness to trade in the sofa for a pair of walking shoes and to set out on new and uncharted paths,”

Let us be reminded of this message this morning, is the gospel costing us something? And that something being our lives? Have we settled for lukewarm and the comfort of the sofa? Have we forgotten the universal call to holiness and sainthood? Let us be re-fired up and renewed in the Holy Spirit and the great love of God. Let the words of the scribe be truly the words of our lives: “Master, I will follow you wherever you go.”

Claire O’Donohue is a current Oxley Passionist Youth Retreat Team member. While also in her final year of university, she is completing her bachelor’s degree with a major in visual art and theology.