
1 John 4:19-5:4
Luke 4:14-22


In today’s Gospel, Jesus stands in the synagogue and reads from Isaiah—a promise of good news to the poor, freedom for captives, and healing for the broken-hearted. People have likely heard this passage many times, dreaming of its fulfilment in the distant future. But then Jesus declares, “Today, this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.”

That word—today—is striking. It brings God’s promises into the present, calling people to see that the kingdom of God is not a distant hope but a reality breaking into their lives here and now. This is not easy to grasp. It’s like a painting stepping out of its frame or a story becoming real before your eyes. Jesus’s words are unsettling because they demand a response, not someday, but today.

For us, this is both a comfort and a challenge. God is not far off, waiting for some perfect moment. His love and healing are at work in our lives now, even in our struggles and imperfections. But it also means we are invited to participate in his mission—to bring good news to the poor, hope to the hopeless, and freedom to those bound by injustice.

The fulfilment of God’s promises is not just something Jesus declares; it’s something we are called to live. Where can we bring peace, healing, or joy today? Each act of love, compassion, or justice is a moment when scripture is fulfilled in our hearing.

May we open our eyes to God’s presence and respond with hearts ready to live his kingdom—not tomorrow, but today. Amen.

Giltus Mathias CP, Passionist Priest at St Brigid Marrickville.