
Hebrews 8:6-13
Mark 3:13-19


Call and response is the theme of today’s gospel. Jesus goes up the mountainside to a place of prayer and revelation. In response to his rejection by the religious leaders, Jesus spent a whole night in prayer and then went out to publicly select and commission a group of twelve.

Jesus chose ordinary people. There are brothers (James and John, Peter and Andrew); business associates (Peter, James, and John were all fishermen); political opponents (Matthew, the Roman-collaborating tax collector, and Simon, the Roman-hating zealot); and one who would betray Jesus (Judas Iscariot). Jesus chose them for their capabilities and strength. Jesus’ choice of followers may surprise us, and at times, we may have difficulties with them, but they are chosen, with their faults, just as we are.

He wanted ordinary people to do extraordinary things. As in all discipleship, they are called to be with him, to listen and to learn from his words and life. Further to that, they are sent out to share in what he wants to do for the world.

Many people today think they have chosen Jesus, but in fact, he has chosen them. Like the twelve, we are chosen to be part of his mission.

How do we respond to the call of Jesus in our life?

Do we take an active part in Jesus’ mission?

Joanne McGrath is a parishioner of St Brigid’s Marrickville and a Passionist Companion.

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Australia, PNG, NZ and Vietnam

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