
Hebrews  8: 6 – 13
Mark 3: 13 – 19


Called and Chosen

“He appointed twelve to be with him and to be sent out to preach . . . .” v.14

Jesus calls those he wishes – he calls twelve as pillars of the New Community, the New People of God. By this simple action – by his Word – Jesus calls together the People of the New Covenant. This is not a covenant written on stone  – but now it is written in their hearts through the breath of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus goes up into the hills – some translations say ‘up into a mountain’ – so it is a very important event – as he chooses his Own. Each of us – man, woman, child or teenager is chosen by Jesus our Lord   – “I have chosen you; you are mine.” We are called through our Baptism to live with Jesus – to be his constant companion on the road of life. St Paul of the Cross called us to live a life like the apostles – in other words, to walk the road of life in the presence of Jesus – the Son of God and Saviour. Let us spend time thrilling in that sense of call. If we do this, we will go out each day rejoicing in his love  – thankful to be chosen and on the greatest adventure we could know – to show his Love and Mercy and to tell the Good News to others.

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring the Good News!” (Is. 52:7)

Pat McIndoe CP, a Passionist at St. Gabriel’s Retreat, Boroko, Port Moresby