Baptism of the Lord


Isaiah 40:1-5,9-11
Titus 2:11-14,3:4-7
Luke 3:15-16,21-22


As we begin a new year, we often begin with a New Year’s resolution. The idea behind this for a lot of us is that this is a way to improve on the year gone by. Often, people will commit to some specific thing, such as going to the gym more.

A friend of mine has taken up this in a different way. She started this process by thinking of a value that she wanted to embrace. This friend said she wanted to “live for others more.”

I liked this process.

So my New Year’s resolution has become not a specific thing but a way of thinking, and what I’ve sat with is, “What is Jesus asking of me?”.

While it’s a question I should have been asking already, I hope this is a year I can focus more fully on this process and living more.

I hope and pray we all have friends who call us to “Live for more” because when we live by values like this, it calls all of the people around us to this.

I hope my commitment to listening to what Jesus asks of me inspires you all as my friend’s value has done for me.

Thomas Warren.