Jeremiah 18:18-20
Matthew 20:17-28
‘Can you drink the cup that I am going to drink? ‘Yes, we can’ was their reply.
‘Very well’, Jesus says, ‘You shall drink my cup. But as for seats on my right or left, these are not mine to grant; they belong to those to whom my Father has allotted them.’
Simply put, at the heavenly banquet, all are invited.
Here on earth, the disciple takes up the role of welcomer /greeter who meets the guests as they arrive at the banquet hall and shows them to their allotted seats. The places have been decided by the Host (The Father)
As waiters, the disciples bring the food and drink to the seated guests according to their needs.
((no doubt the mother of Zebedee’s sons would be there to help)
The gospel reading is a useful reminder of our role as followers of Christ.
‘As the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve and give his life for the ransom of many ‘
We are the welcomers/ greeters and waiters at the banquet of the Father. As we fulfil these roles in this life we become the guests at the eternal banquet. Jesus warns us not to get ahead of ourselves.
Let’s not claim the prize before we run the race.
Fr Peter Addicoat CP is parish priest and community leader of our St Joseph’s parish/community in Hobart, Tasmania.