St Nicholas
Isaiah 29: 17-24
Matthew 9: 27-31
Today is the Feast of St Nicholas, Bishop, especially significant to our Orthodox Christian families. Born in Turkey, he died December 6, 343 CE. Many stories and legends abound about his brave life and kind deeds, especially in offering gifts to ‘little ones’ – children, the poor, and the sick- not just at Christmas. Our various traditions of ‘Father Christmas’ developed from the myths retold about St Nicholas.
At this time of the year, we are very busy doing things that seem important. The pressures and demands of work and family can seem heavy at times. No doubt we breathe a sigh of relief when we can rest a little. So how does one feel when persistent and legitimate requests still clammer for attention?
In today’s Gospel, Jesus must have felt tired yet He was prepared to listen and to respond … These two blind people were persistent and trusted in Jesus. He rewarded their faith with sight but warned them about spreading their cure around. Of course, this didn’t happen … others noticed their sight restored and news spread. That’s human nature! So why did Jesus ask them to be silent? Perhaps it was because restoring their sight was a sign of His greater gift … insight and deeper faith into who He was. Such insight requires time, reflection, just being … rather than rushing around and focusing on ‘doing stuff’.
We too are invited to slow down and just be in these coming weeks. What insights do we discern within ourselves? What insights do we recognize within others? Do we consider ‘the little ones’ who may need our care?
We ponder, we wait … We invite the Word to become Flesh within each of us again, in whatever form our heart holds… We ask for a deeper awareness and valuing of each other’s presence in our lives. Come Emmanual.
Pam Storey is a member of the Passionist Faith Community at Holy Cross, Templestowe, and one of the founding members of Passionist Companions. After a very active and varied family, church and working life, Pam is now focusing on developing a slow spirituality.