Feast of Holy Innocents
1 John 1:5-2.2
Matthew 2:13-18
The joy and peace and celebration of the visit of the Magi quickly dissolve as the angel once more speaks to Joseph in a dream. Get up, take the child and his mother with you, and escape into Egypt, and stay there until I tell you, for Herod intends to search for the child and do away with him. A moment of joyful celebration of the birth of Jesus crumbles at the angel’s words.
What horror and disbelief fills the heart of those who read/reflect on the Gospel today.
It can be one of the most disturbing of any of the gospel readings. It is the death of Christ and of those who follow him being enacted at the time of his birth, which is foretold in this incident.
Following Christ is not always easy, yet even in the midst of evil (the reign of Herod), new life can be found in Christ.
We are told that Christmas will not be celebrated in Bethlehem this year for security reasons and the destruction caused by conflict. Christmas cannot be cancelled. Christ is born as the prophets foretold. Christ lives amongst us and his presence cannot be cancelled out by the dictates of any secular leaders or society.
The Feast of the Holy Innocents is no longer just a story in the midst of Christmas joy. It is happening in many parts of our world today.
We commit ourselves to peace or as St Francis of Assisi says, ‘Lord make me an instrument of your peace’.
Fr Peter Addicoat CP is a member of the St Joseph’s Community Hobart, Tasmania.