Daily Reflection, December 24, 2022
2 Samuel 7: 1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16
Luke 1: 67-79

Zechariah did not believe the good news regarding the arrival of a much-yearned-for child. He thought himself too old. He became unable to speak. Now, as he names his son John, which means ‘God is gracious’, his tongue is loosened, and he bursts into a prophetic song.
Imagine not speaking for nine months. What would your first words be when you could speak again?
Zechariah’s first words are praises of God and prophecies about the future. The first thing he praises God for is the fact that God has redeemed His people. Secondly, he praises God for the fulfilment of past promises. Finally, he praises God as he anticipates the fulfilment of future promises. All these are acts of God. So, we too should give praise for God’s gracious work among us.
This gospel clearly tells us that if ever we are in doubt, just like Zechariah, we should remain calm and listen to God, who has a plan for us. The Holy Spirit will come to guide us and bring us back to the path that God desires. We should not question God’s plans but instead, we should keep our faith and be an instrument to remind people to put their faith in God.
Joanne McGrath is a parishioner of St Brigid’s Marrickville and a Passionist Companion.
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