St John of the Cross
Ecclesiasticus 48:1-4,9-12
Matthew 17:10-13
How alive are you today? Are you passionate about your life, or are you stuck in a rut, letting the pressures of life weigh you down, or taking for granted what you have? You weren’t created to simply exist, to endure, or to go through the motions; you were created to be really alive. There’s something more for you to accomplish. The day you quit being excited about your future is the day you go from living to merely existing.
We hear in today’s Gospel reading the disciples questioning Jesus, why do the Scribes say ‘Elijah has to come first?’. But Jesus replied that Elijah had come already and that they had not recognised him. We all have seen God’s goodness in some way. We know it was His hand of favour. Don’t let it pass without acknowledgment and gratitude. Don’t let it become ordinary. We should live in amazement at what God has done in many ways and many times. Do you have children to look and play with, people to love, air to breathe, a clean environment to live in, a place to work? Do you realise your gifts and talents come from God? Do you recognise that there are miracles all around you? Don’t take them for granted. Don’t let what was once a miracle become so common that it’s ordinary. Elijah was not noticed by the Scribes, and we many times do not notice our blessings around us. Let us fan our flames and stir up our gifts as we are awaiting the birth of Jesus and a wonderful New Year ahead of us. We ask the intercession of St. John of the Cross to reform our attitude of mere living to an enthusiastic and gratitude being.
Sony Marsilin Kannanaikal CP is a Passionist priest; he lives at St.Gabriel’s Community, Endeavour Hills.