
Isaiah 40: 25-31
Matthew 11: 28-30


In our first reading, Isaiah is reminding us of who our God is, creator, giver of life who does not grow weary but with a capacity to strengthen the weary and renew the weak so that they too will run and not grow weary, walk and not faint.

The Gospel echoes this same theme through the invitation of Jesus to all who are ‘weary and burdened’ to come to him for rest. The line that caught my attention today is ‘for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’ It left me wondering if sometimes our burdens seem heavy because we try to carry them in our own strength which makes us grow weary and despondent.

We also know that the burdens some people carry are enormous and we often stand back in amazement at how they cope. So what is the secret? The yoke, that wooden frame that ties two oxen together to carry the plough as a team, means that the weaker ox is helped by the stronger. Jesus uses this image, familiar to his hearers, to suggest that with help we can carry what we need to carry, alone we become weary.

We live in a world that places great value on independence (and how we all value our independence!) so that often we do not seek help or even use the help that is freely available. Sometimes this is because we want to hide our vulnerability, sometimes we find it hard to ask or we don’t know how to ask or who to ask. Our message today is clear. If we remain connected to Christ and avail of his help, we will be able to walk steadily and confidently to meet the challenges life gives us.

What do you need to seek help with?  Let’s not underestimate God or the people around us!

Sr. Brigid Murphy CP, Sisters of the Cross & Passion, Melbourne