Feast of St Mary of the Cross McKillop

1 Kings 17:8-16
Colossians 3:12-17
Matthew 6:25-34



This Feast of St Mary McKillop is one that resonates within me. The themes in theses reading are summed up through her diligence in the mission to bring Jesus to others. This quote seems to say what she believed and lived. A practical woman with a practical faith – loving in and through action. “Never see a need without doing something about it”.

To do this we need to live our faith; it’s not so much about going to church or receiving the sacraments rather it is being attentive to being compassionate, kindness, humility and patience leading to being forgiving of others – in other words, live the gospel every day and celebrate the God of compassion and hospitality each day.

It is about living our lives, trusting that God is with us, even when we fell alone. Elijah in the first reading, St Paul in the second reading and Matthew’s gospel all reinforce what Mary is trying to live. Don’t worry! God will give us all we need in our endeavours to follow Jesus and live his gospel.

“Do not be afraid.  Love one another and bear with one another and let love guide you in all your life.” Mary McKillop -1909

Paul Traynor is married to Clare and has two children Sam and Lucy. He lives in Greytown which is in the Wairarapa Region on the North Island of New Zealand. Paul is currently working as the National Passionist Family Groups Coordinator for Aotearoa, New Zealand.