Jeremiah 31:1-7
Matthew 15: 21-28

Today’s liturgy gives centre stage to that mixed-race woman, an unnamed Syro-Phoenician, and Jesus, who is busy reaching out to his own chosen people. But she manages to derail his programme and expand his mission. All she wants is some peace for her tormented daughter. She’s making a fuss. The disciples have the answer: “She’s shouting after us. Give her what she wants.” Jesus, drawing on a popular putdown, seems to show little concern for her demand and talks about scraps of food and house dogs. But not so fast! Love gives her the confidence to push back and to demand that Jesus listen to her. Jesus is so impressed by her faith. “Woman you have great faith. Let your wish be granted.” And so, Jesus’ mission calls him to look at the ‘other sheep’ and calls us to join him in widening our vision also.
Yesterday’s remembrance of the Transfiguration of Jesus reminds us that this glimpse of the glory of God breaking through the clouds of our lives, can’t be limited to a one-day excitement, but surely deserves our attention today also. The glory of God shining on the face of Jesus invites those three apostles who accompany Jesus up the mountain to be drawn into a deep moment of wonder.
It also draws our attention to another anniversary of that other blaze of light, not the glory of God, but the explosion of light and the destruction of lives and hope in Hiroshima. It seems that the story of Transfiguration when, for a moment, Jesus is glimpsed in his glory, is forever linked with that other explosion of light unleashed over Hiroshima that ended the World War. That raises for me the question: Why can’t we invent wonders that bring not destruction but life and growth in an atmosphere of peace?
Fr. Kevin Dance CP is the vicar of the St.Brigid’s Retreat, Marrickville. He is very actively involved in ministries locally and at Passionist International where he served as the Executive Director for many years.