Feast of Transfiguration
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14.
1 Peter 1:16-19
Mark 9: 2-10

If Peter kept missing the point and misunderstood Jesus’ message, then there is hope for us … It is challenging to accept that pain and suffering are inevitable experiences in life which need to be borne and worked through as we labour towards our goals of a fulfilling life. Both from a personal and communal perspective, we would much prefer to bask in peace and gratitude in the Lord’s presence, rather than work through our troubles.
In Mark we hear how Jesus chose some of his disciples to experience him in another way. Jesus’ prophetic ministry is leading to climax. Have the disciples really understood what must eventuate? How suffering and rejection will bring terrible pain and doubts to them all? The disciples call Jesus ‘Rabbi’ … What is Jesus teaching them? What is Jesus showing us?
This is the point of the Transfiguration … to follow the guidance of the inner voice of the Spirit and listen to Jesus … Remain in the presence of Jesus and listen … What is that sacred conversation about? What does Jesus ask his disciples to do, to be? What do we hear ourselves asked to do or to be?
Have you ever considered that ‘transfiguration’ experiences are still all around us? We carry such transforming promise with us all. However, most days, we may only see things as usual as the disciples did afterwards. As their transfiguration experience faded, things slowly changed for them as they followed Jesus. And so it is for us … We all carry within us the inner light and presence of the Divine in the surety of the promise ‘I will always be with you’. How do we continue to kindle this transforming insight so that it changes how we see and act in our lives and our world?
Pam Storey is a member of the Passionist Faith Community at Holy Cross, Templestowe, and one of the founding members of Passionist Companions. After a very active and varied family, church and working life, Pam is now focusing on developing a slow spirituality.