
Jeremiah 28:1-17
Matthew 14:13-21


In the 3rd season of the online series on the Gospels, “The Chosen,” after the success of the sermon on the mount, the apostles are on a high. They are in awe of Jesus and believe they have found the Messiah. The power of his words, the impact on the huge crowd, and the miracle of the loaves and fishes has filled them with joy and confidence in the future. Immediately after, in the series, Jesus sits them down and tells them he can’t do it on his own but needs their help. He is going to send them out in 2’s to preach the Good News, to cast out demons, and heal the sick. This reduces a group of confident disciples into very frightened and insecure individuals, full of self-doubt. In the episode one by one they ask Jesus, “So we are going to heal the sick and cast out demons?” Jesus explains that it will be a short-term thing at this point, and it will be his power they will be using, but that eventually, it will be the way it is. I think the scene beautifully captures what happens to a congregation the minute the priest talks about them being involved in evangelization.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus’ disciples can see the need of the crowd for food and bring it to his attention. Like them, we too can see the needs of those around us and bring it to prayer that God might help them. But instead Jesus says to the disciples to give the people something to eat themselves. Now they are no longer focused on the needs of the crowd, but their own inadequacy and limited resources. Like them, we focus on what we lack rather than what God can provide. Clearly it was more than enough for the crowd as they disciples collect a great number of leftovers. The same is true for us. All we need to do is shift our focus from our own feelings of inadequacy to the abundance of God’s grace, lavished upon us.

Fr. Ray Sanchez CP is the leader of the Oxley community and is responsible for Parish Missions and Retreats throughout Australia and NZ.