
Ezekiel 28: 1-10
Matthew 19: 23-30



“For human beings this is impossible, but for God all things are possible.”

Today’s Gospel seems to take off from where the rich young man left off, but in reality, it must be seen as one text. At the heart of this text (19: 16-30) lies the million-dollar question of the rich young man. He wants to DO SOMETHING to enter into eternal life. He sought the one exclusive ‘good work’ that would give him eternal life. Jesus’ answer, as we know, left him devastated for Jesus hits him where it hurts the most, “sell everything, give it to the poor and follow me.”

The question of the rich young man is clear, “what do I do to inherit eternal life.” Jesus’ reply speaks of the answer not found in our doing but in our being. The impossibility of the situation is articulated in the disciple’s question “who then will be saved?” and it is answered by Jesus. Hard as it may be for human beings to comprehend, God makes all things possible!

For us today that message is love layered in hope. God makes all things possible! Simple, profound and in truth what an amazing Loving God we have, who asks so little from us yet gives so much. May our Loving God continue to bless you not only in your doing rather in your being.

Sr Karen Englebretsen CP, Cross and Passion Sisters. blessed to be a spiritual care worker in the homeless sector in Melbourne.