Solemnity of the Assumption


Revelation 11:19a; 12:1-6a, 10ab
1 Corinthians 15:20-27
Luke 1:39-56


Is it true that Christians always talk about heavenly things rather than earthly things? For some, the believers always look up to the sky with clouds and winds rather than looking down onto the earth’s ground. Could it be true for us too when we celebrate the feast day of the Assumption of Mary?

One of the interesting details from the readings today is that Mary’s assumption is not mentioned. The fact is that there is no detail of this event in the canonical bible. It could be understood that the faithful live in faith and hope with eyes toward their hometown in the ‘heaven’ but still live with love on earth. In other words, Mary’s Assumption allows us to descend and live on Earth rather than ascend to the sky.

We can descend by encountering our brothers and sisters among us. The encounter happens when a woman goes as quickly as she can to see another woman in the hill country. It happens when a child leaps for joy with another child. These little things in a simple, fallow place can always happen daily when we open to go to others or welcome someone into our lives. Through fruitful encounters, we can be joyful and live in ‘heaven’ on Earth.

I guess we can always be like Mary when singing the ‘Magnificat’ as sung in the liturgy of Evening Prayer. These words are rooted in the Bible and can be put in Mary’s mouth or reflect her thinking. These words could be put in our mouths and reflect our thinking, too.

JD Tân T CP is a Vietnamese Passionist who lives and studies further at the Holy Cross Retreat, Templestowe.