Acts 4:1-12
John 21:1 –14

In today’s Gospel, Peter, fresh from having denied that he knew who Jesus was 3 times, has decided that he is no longer cut out to be a fisher of people and goes back to what he was doing before he met Jesus. When we get discouraged about our failures, we tend to focus on ourselves and our pain, as if it all depends on us. When Jesus encourages the disciples to throw their net to starboard, and they make a miraculous catch, he has reminded Peter that without Him they can do nothing. It doesn’t depend on us; it depends on Him. The Gospel passage concludes with a clear allusion to the Eucharist. It is here where we, over 2000 years later, can again encounter the risen Lord and be reminded that we are not alone as a disciple of Jesus and that we live by every word that comes out of the mouth of God.
Fr. Ray Sanchez CP is the leader of the Oxley community and is responsible for Parish Missions and Retreats throughout Australia and NZ.