3rd Sunnday of Easter


Acts 2:14,22-33
1 Peter 1:17-21
Luke 24:13-35


The story of the disciples on the Road to Emmaus offers a powerful reflection on the meaning of our experience of communion.

Today’s gospel offers us this beautiful Eucharistic imagery, a recognition of the person of Jesus through the breaking of bread. We can build on this imagery. Through our shared baptism, each one of us become Jesus’ body here on earth.

Our recognition of Jesus in the breaking of the bread is not merely a personal one, but a communal one. I’m reflecting on their experience of Jesus amongst them, the disciples respond, “Did not OUR hearts burn within us?” Implicit in their experience is the knowledge that they shared it. They shared it with one another, and with Jesus himself.

Our experience of communion requires of us that we live in communion with one another, not simply a personal relationship with God. When we recognize and embrace our identity as the Body of Christ, we strengthen our ability to be a community of disciples, where we are able to share our struggles and joys, our hopes and dreams, griefs and anxieties.

As with the disciples on the Road to Emmaus, may we always recognise Jesus in the breaking of the bread, and may we always be mindful of our identity as the Body of Christ, walking this journey of faith together, in love and service to one another and to the world.

Luke Bulley CP is a Passionist priest, he lives at St.Gabriel Retreat, Endeavour Hills.