Acts 5: 27 – 33
John 3: 31 – 36

Bearing witness to the Joy of the Risen Lord
The other day, I was quietly minding my own business when the happy tones of a little girl from the house next door came wafting my way. She was playing and singing in a loud voice (for a 4-year-old):
“Allelu – u – ia! A- a -le lu – u -ia!” I was intrigued how this little girl was singing praise to God in her own happy way. She had obviously picked up the joy and gladness of her family and other people at Easter time and was singing happily to everyone “Praise the Lord!”
We see the apostles in the first reading from Acts today – changed men! Before they were frightened and fearful – cowering behind locked doors. Now they express with great courage their faith in the Risen Lord to the Sanhedrin. The high priest tries to brow beat them with his authority, but Peter replies: “Obedience to God comes before obedience to men; it was the God of our ancestors who raised up Jesus, whom you executed by hanging on a tree! ”
In the Gospel too, we see John the Baptist confidently point to Jesus who is the One whom God has sent. He is not jealous that people are flocking more to Jesus now. He is happy that Jesus, the bridegroom is now teaching and bringing Good News to the people.
How do I show the joy of the Gospel in my life? Does my love for Christ and belief in him change the way I live and carry out my daily responsibilities? Even the little children can bear witness to Jesus by what they sing and say. What about me? Does not the Holy Spirit guide me and move me to bear witness to him with confidence and faith?
Pat McIndoe CP, a Passionist at St. Gabriel’s Retreat, Boroko, Port Moresby