3rd Sunday of Easter


Acts 3:13-15,17-19
1 John 2:1-5
Luke 24:35-48


The peace enjoyed by Jesus did not prevent Him from suffering, nor did it protect his disciples from pain. It is a peace that flows from a profound and intimate communion with God and enables us not to be afraid of suffering. Jesus showed his hands and his side to the apostles; they saw that he was alive and had come to them as He had promised. Jesus commissioned his disciples to carry on the mission which had been given to him by his Father. We cannot continue Jesus’ mission without his presence, for our mission is to live His life so that others, seeing Him in us, will believe and so find life. The scene, therefore, reaches its climax in Jesus’ gift of his spirit to us. Jesus opened the minds of the Apostles to understand the scriptures. Jesus gives the disciples the power to forgive sins. God’s offer of forgiveness is now offered by Jesus to us through the church.

The effect of the Gospel is heard in the first reading, Peter explaining, the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus, not to condemn them but to fulfill the scriptures. And in the second reading we hear about the advocate we have, who sacrificed His life for our sins, and God’s love comes to perfection in Him.

God, I know that whatever comes from me is not acceptable. I cannot serve You with my weakness, sinfulness, and brokenness but I can only trust in Your life and Your Spirit. I can only depend on the law of the Spirit of life and accept my cross and follow you.

Sony Marsilin Kannanaikal CP is a Passionist priest, he lives at St.Joseph’s Community, Hobart.